
SEO Turnaround Time Guide : What Companies Can Expect (4 Phases Explained)

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turnaround time

Being an SEO agency, it is our obligation to deliver results. It doesn’t matter which industry brand belongs to, they always have one question in common. That is, when will I start seeing results? Basically they ask us about our Turnaround Time or TAT. 

If you are also in the process of hiring any SEO agency or you already have one, you must have also thought about this question. 

This blog will help you to come to an understanding about the time it takes to see quantifiable results in any SEO projects irrespective of the niche.

In this blog, we will cover all about Turnaround Time. We will have a definition and will answer important questions regarding the same. We will also discuss how SEO agencies decide, turn around time and how to manage expectations being a client. 

So, let’s begin. 

Definition of Turnaround Time (TAT) 

According to Wikipedia turnaround time (TAT) is the amount of time taken to complete a process or fulfill a request. So it means the total amount of time taken to complete a set plan of action. 


But since we are an SEO agency let’s define TAT for SEO.  

Definition of SEO TAT

For SEO, the turnaround time is the period when the SEO strategy or the project starts or begins and until there are measurable results. This time frame will be made of analysis implementation and ongoing optimization of the SEO project.

It will also be affected by factors like technical SEO requirements and how much content creation and optimization is required and so on.

Turn around time is usually the total time taken to complete a process, it’s equally important to understand the concept of waiting time.

So is TAT similar to waiting time? Actually, no. 

Difference between TAT and waiting time 

How Different is Turnaround Time from Waiting Time 
Turnaround time is the total time period from start to finish of a project like SEO.   On the contrary is a call to a specific period of time within turnaround time. 
Moreover, waiting time is the time of interval when the task is at idle and the next action has to be taken.

For any business, understanding the difference between waiting time and turn around time (TAT) is important as it will help to better understand the work flows and delivery times. 

Answering a few important questions before we proceed further. 

What is the formula for TAT? 

The formula for TAT calculation is 

TAT = Completion Time – Arrival Time 


  • Completion Time is the point at which the SEO project achieves its pre-defined goals (e.g., higher rankings, traffic increase, lead generation). This is not a fixed endpoint but a milestone where significant progress is evident.
  • Arrival Time is the moment the SEO strategy/campaign is initiated, marking the beginning of active work towards the goals.

Is TAT in SEO services really important?

Yes. Turnaround time is very important in SEO services. Turnaround Time helps maintain realistic expectations for an organization and the SEO agency. 

Turn around time is a means to build trust and transparency as well as adapting to change. 

One of the biggest advantages of giving TAT is companies can allocate budget, manpower and other resources more effectively. 

What factors affect TAT? 

There are many factors that affect TAT in SEO services, but the prominent are as follows:

  • How expert is the SEO team and what is their size?
  • What is the scope and deliverables of the project? 
  • What is the size and complexity of the project? 
  • What is the complexity of their SEO and website? 
  • Who are the competitors of the brand in the industry? 

Is there any benefit of regular SEO?

Yes, following are the benefits:

  • Maximizes online presence and increases organic traffic.
  • Helps outperforming competitors and generate more leads. 

As a client, before you get a TAT for the SEO project the SEO agency will take action in phases. 

We will now see in detail what those phases and steps are. 

How do SEO agencies decide TAT for any SEO project?

SEO agencies like us have to do a site audit and depending on the size of the project we include more steps in it. Here is a detail about the same. 

Typical Phases of an SEO Project 

Phase 1: Discovery & Strategy 

This foundational phase sets the stage for SEO success. It involves understanding your business, target audience, and competition to craft a strategy that aligns with your goals.

Initial Consultation & Goal Setting: It is basically a comprehensive discussion to uncover your unique business objectives, target audience and desired outcomes. This collaborative effort finalizes clear and measurable SEO goals, aligning seamlessly with your overall marketing strategy.

Website Crawl & Technical Audit: A technical audit of your website is conducted, thoroughly examining its structure, code, and potential issues that might hinder its search engine performance. Any technical roadblocks are identified and addressed, so that your site is primed for optimal visibility in search results.

Content Audit & Gap Analysis: Your existing content is assessed, evaluating its quality, relevance, and alignment with your target audience’s needs. This analysis uncovers content gaps and opportunities to create fresh, engaging content that resonates with both your audience and search engines.

Competitor Analysis & Benchmarking: Top competitors’ SEO strategies are analyzed, revealing their strengths, weaknesses, and areas where you can outperform them. This process provides valuable benchmark data and identifies untapped opportunities for growth, giving you a competitive edge.

Keyword Research & Mapping: Extensive keyword research is conducted to identify the most relevant and high-value search terms your target audience uses. These keywords are then strategically mapped to specific pages on your website, ensuring optimal relevance and visibility for each page in search results.

SEO Strategy Development & Roadmap: Based on the insights gathered from the previous steps, a comprehensive, tailor-made SEO strategy is developed. This strategy outlines the specific tactics and actions required to achieve your defined SEO goals, complete with a detailed roadmap and timeline, providing you with a clear vision of the path to success.

Phase 1: Discovery & Strategy Checklist



Documented project brief and SMART goals

Detailed technical audit report with prioritized recommendations

Content inventory, gap analysis report, and content plan outline

Competitor analysis report with actionable insights and benchmark data

Comprehensive keyword list with search volume, competition, and target page mapping

Documented SEO strategy outlining tactics, timeline, and expected outcomes

Phase 2: Technical & On-Page Optimization 

This is where the website gets a tune-up. An SEO agency will make sure your website is in tip-top shape for search engines to find and understand it better. The better shape it’s in, the quicker people will find it! This is a big part of the SEO turnaround time for the project.

Technical SEO Fixes & Improvements:  Any problems found in the website checkup get fixed. This might be things like broken links, slow loading pages, or making sure the website looks good on phones (since everyone uses them these days).

On-Page Content Optimization: The words on your website get a makeover! It is made sure that they match what people are searching for online and are super interesting to read. 

Plagiarism Check: It is made sure that all content on your website is original and not copied from other sources. This is important for maintaining your credibility and avoiding penalties from search engines.

Metadata Optimization (Title Tags, Meta Descriptions): These are like little signs that tell people what each page is about before they click on it.  We make these signs catchy and clear so people want to click and visit your site.

Header Tag Optimization (H1, H2, etc.):  They are synonymous to the titles in a book. They help organize the information so it’s easy to read and understand. Efforts are put in to make sure these titles are clear, helpful and engaging but most of all relevant to the readers.

Internal Linking Structure Optimization:  This is like creating a treasure map for your website! We make sure all the pages are linked together in a way that makes sense, so people can easily find what they’re looking for and explore more of your website.

Image Optimization: Pictures make websites more fun, but big size pictures can make them slow. Efforts are put in to make sure your pictures look great but are small enough to load quickly, so people don’t get bored waiting.

Mobile Optimization: Everyone uses their phones for everything, hence mobile optimization is done to make sure your website looks amazing and works perfectly on any phone screen. This way, people can easily find and use your website wherever they are.

User Experience (UX) Enhancement: Every client wants people to have a super fun time on your website. So the SEO team makes sure it’s easy to find things, the pages load fast, and everything works smoothly. 

Phase 2: Technical & On-Page Optimization Checklist



Detailed technical implementation report with resolved issues and performance improvements.

Optimized content with relevant keywords, clear headings, and engaging language.

Optimized title tags and meta descriptions for all relevant pages.

Optimized header tags for all relevant pages.

Updated internal linking structure with clear pathways between relevant pages.

Optimized images with reduced file size, descriptive alt text, and proper formatting.

Mobile-friendly website with responsive design and optimal user experience on various screen sizes.

Improved website navigation, faster page load times, and enhanced user experience based on data analysis.

Phase 3: Off-Page Optimization & Content 

This phase expands your website’s reach and influence beyond its own pages. It’s about building credibility, authority, and a positive online reputation to attract more organic traffic and strengthen your brand’s presence.

Link Building & Outreach: This step involves acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. Backlinks act as votes of confidence from other sites, signaling to search engines that your content is trustworthy and valuable. Building relationships with other website owners and industry influencers is key to earning these valuable backlinks.

Content Creation & Promotion: Engaging and informative content is continuously created and published on your website. This fresh content not only attracts and educates your target audience but also provides additional opportunities for other websites to link back to yours, further boosting your authority. This content is then promoted across various online channels to increase its visibility and reach.

Social Media Marketing & Engagement: Social media platforms are leveraged to share your content, engage with your audience, and build a community around your brand. This fosters brand awareness, drives traffic to your website, and amplifies your content’s reach.

Local SEO (if applicable): If your business serves a specific geographic area, local SEO tactics are implemented to improve your visibility in local search results. This includes optimizing your Google My Business listing, getting listed in local directories, and building citations to attract customers in your area.

Brand Building & Reputation Management: A strong brand image is cultivated through consistent messaging, positive customer reviews, and active participation in online communities. This enhances your brand’s reputation, making it more attractive to potential customers and partners.



List of acquired backlinks with domain authority and relevance metrics.

Calendar of published content with promotion plan and performance metrics.

Increased social media engagement, followers, and website traffic from social channels.

Improved local search rankings and visibility in Google Maps and local search results.

Positive brand sentiment, increased mentions and reviews, and improved online reputation.

Phase 4: Monitoring, Analysis & Refinement (Ongoing)

This ongoing phase ensures that SEO efforts continue to deliver results long after the initial setup. It involves constant vigilance and adaptation to maintain and improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Ongoing Monitoring & Reporting: Key SEO metrics, such as website traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates, are continuously tracked using specialized tools and software. Regular reports provide insights into the performance of your SEO campaigns, highlighting areas of success and identifying areas that need improvement.

Regular Performance Analysis & Optimization: The data gathered from ongoing monitoring is analyzed to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for optimization. This involves adjusting strategies, refining content, and addressing any emerging issues to ensure your website remains competitive in the ever-changing search landscape.

Algorithm Updates & Adaptation: Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving. Staying informed about these changes and adapting your SEO strategies accordingly is crucial for maintaining and improving your rankings. This involves keeping up with industry news, best practices, and algorithm updates to ensure your website remains compliant and optimized.   

Technical Maintenance & Updates: Regular technical maintenance is performed to ensure your website remains in optimal condition. This includes fixing broken links, updating plugins and software, and addressing any technical issues that may arise. A well-maintained website is essential for both user experience and search engine visibility.

Content Refresh & Expansion: Existing content is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it remains relevant and informative. New content is also created to target emerging keywords and trends, keeping your website fresh and engaging for both users and search engines.



Monthly/quarterly SEO performance reports with key metrics, analysis, and recommendations.

Actionable recommendations based on data analysis for continuous SEO improvement.

Updated SEO strategy and tactics in response to algorithm updates and industry best practices.

Up-to-date website with no technical errors and optimal performance

Refreshed and expanded content library with regular updates and new content aligned with SEO goals

Summary – A typical SEO timeline

What Not to Avoid While Providing Turnaround Time (TAT)

How You Can Manage Your Expectations as a Client How Your SEO Team Sets Realistic Expectations for You
Understand that SEO is a long-term investment, not a quick fix. Explain the SEO process in simple terms, including timelines and potential challenges.
Clearly define your goals and desired outcomes for the SEO campaign. Provide a detailed project timeline with estimated durations for each phase.
Be patient and trust the process; allow time for the SEO team to implement their strategies. Explain each phase of the SEO process and its importance for achieving your goals.
Communicate openly and regularly with your SEO team, asking questions and providing feedback. Be upfront about factors that might affect the timeline, such as algorithm updates or website issues.
Allocate a realistic budget and resources for ongoing SEO efforts. Help you understand that SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and investment.
Rely on data and analytics to track progress and make informed decisions. Provide regular updates and reports on the progress of your SEO campaign.

Okay, now that you understand the steps involved in an SEO project, you might be wondering, “How long will this actually take?” and “Why does it take so long?”

Well, we’re about to answer those burning questions! We’ll break down the typical timeline for seeing SEO results, the factors that influence how long it takes, and even explain the difference between SEO and SEM (Search Engine Marketing). 

By the end, you’ll have a crystal-clear understanding of what to expect, so you can make the best decisions for your online presence.

How long does SEO take?

Well, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but you can typically expect to see noticeable improvements in your website’s search rankings and organic traffic within 4-12 months. However, it can sometimes take even longer, depending on various factors.

Why does SEO take so long?

SEO is a long game. It takes time for search engines like Google to crawl and index your website’s content, evaluate its relevance and authority, and compare it to millions of other websites. Plus, building a strong online reputation and earning backlinks from other reputable websites takes time and consistent effort.

What factors influence how long SEO takes?

  • Website Age and Authority
  • Competition 
  • Technical Issues
  • Content Quality
  • Backlink Profile

What is the difference between SEO & SEM

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
SEO is the process of getting higher website rankings and traffic through organic means and methods SEM has the same goal as SEO but it is done through paid means
The turnaround time is longer  The turnwround time is quicker than SEO

Wrapping it up

Turnaround time is crucial for SEO agencies and their clients alike. A systematic framework gives a realistic TAT and results being expected. The phases discussed above align with the checklist are standard for any SEO agency and niche. SEO as mentioned several times earlier is a marathon. The preparation, implementation and monitoring takes time but the results are always a boost for clients. We hope this blog has added value and answered questions for you. 

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Shalini Rella
Shalini Rella
With more than two years of dedicated expertise, Shalini has established a reputation as a pioneering figure within the SEO industry. This acclaimed author and perpetual learner has revolutionized numerous websites through meticulously crafted digital marketing strategies, leveraging profound insights and a forward-thinking approach. Her groundbreaking articles on SEO and digital marketing are featured in over 100+ publications. Her commitment to sharing knowledge has garnered her widespread recognition as the ultimate authority in this field.
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Shalini Rella
Shalini Rella
With more than two years of dedicated expertise, Shalini has established a reputation as a pioneering figure within the SEO industry. This acclaimed author and perpetual learner has revolutionized numerous websites through meticulously crafted digital marketing strategies, leveraging profound insights and a forward-thinking approach. Her groundbreaking articles on SEO and digital marketing are featured in over 100+ publications. Her commitment to sharing knowledge has garnered her widespread recognition as the ultimate authority in this field.

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