
Car Dealer SEO: Why Do Car Dealers Need Automotive SEO?


Did you know? 200% of individuals who are interested in buying a car start their research on Google and do not visit the local car dealer. So, if you are a car dealer and offering services related to car makes or models, then you need a well-optimized website for your local business. This can only be made possible with the help of car dealer SEO, and for that, you need the best agency like SEO Invetiv to offer you top-notch automotive SEO services. In this article, we will learn about car dealer SEO, what some local car dealer SEO best practices are, and many more things about car dealer SEO.

Car dealer SEO

What is Car Dealers SEO?

Car Dealer SEO is ranking your local car dealing business website #1 on Google’s SERP. the higher your website ranks the more traffic it will gain. Moreover, that would initially lead to more leads for your business.

Imagine a potential customer, lost in the vehicle selection process, who hastily types in “affordable reliable SUVs priced at $30,000” in their search bar. They are bombarded with results, and each vendor competes for their attention. This is where car dealership SEO shines for car dealers. Just as a skilled mechanic fine-tunes the car for maximum performance, an effective car dealership SEO strategy improves your dealer’s online presence, putting it at the top of the search engine pack.

Seo For Car Dealerships: Why Do Car Dealers Need SEO?

The engine’s roar and polished chrome sparkle still dominate car dealer models. However, in today’s digital age, the real action takes place online to get every tire to hit the road.

The statistics don’t lie:

  • 84% of salespeople believe inbound phone conversations are essential to their  car dealership SEO strategy.
  • 76% of new and used car buyers check out dealerships before buying.
  • 69.5% of car buyers use virtual sources, including search engines like Google, for their research. That’s like a busy crowd outside your dealership, eager to browse your inventory, and yet, they can’t find you because your website is buried in the bottom 10 of Google’s websites.

Opening doors by using unique keywords is an essential part of car dealership SEO marketing.

5 Automotive SEO tips to rank your Car Dealership Website #1

You might own a car dealership company that has been successful offline for a few years but now you might feel that your customers are not visiting you anymore. You might be thinking of a few new ways to grow your business and reach your target audience. If so then you might try partnering up with an automotive SEO agency, which will help you provide top-notch car dealer SEO services. Below are the 5 top tips to implement in your car dealership website to reach your target audience and increase sales. 

5 Automotive SEO tips

1. Optimize Content With Right Keywords

Adding relevant keywords will help you rank your website in the top results of Google. You can drive potential leads to your car dealership website with the help of relevant keywords. To find the applicable and adequate keywords for your car dealership SEO, you can use various keyword research tools such as Google’s keyword research, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and more. 

For example, if you have a car dealership company in the United States then you can find the related keywords by using Google’s keyword research tool. Moreover using these keywords will help you get a better automotive SEO and rank your car dealership website higher on Google’s search engine result page. 

Moreover when you research your potential keywords for auto repair search engine optimization try to focus more on long tail keywords, which are better and specific to the intent your audience is looking for. For example, using “luxury car dealer in the United States” in your content can help the audience who is looking for someone who sells luxury cars in the United States find you. Moreover, if you want a higher ranking with the help of automotive SEO then you should focus more on using long-tail keywords in your content. 

2. Drive Traffic with Google Business Profile

When you do your website’s automotive SEO, you have to keep in mind that your audience is the locals who live in your area. Moreover, you need to target leads who are searching for keywords with “nearby or near me” words. Therefore, it is advisable to claim your Google business profile listing. This will help you to appear in the search results when your potential audience searches for keywords such as “near me.” 

Fill out your Google business profile completely, and add your business name, address, phone number, and most importantly photos. Photos have a very significant impact on the audience, which helps get more engaging leads. According to research, if you have more than 100 images on your Google My Business profile, then there is a chance that you will receive 520% more phone calls and 1065% more website clicks. 

3. Users Love When Your Site Loads Faster

Your potential audience needs your website to load fast and fast means within two seconds. If your website loads quickly it will help them gain more information about your business. Moreover, 53% of users leave the website when it takes more than two seconds to load. 

Users abandoning your website immediately can have a negative impact on your website reviews and rankings. To make sure your website loads on time, you should check the site’s current load time using a tool called Google Page Speed Insights. This tool helps you diagnose your website’s loading speed, and it gives numerous suggestions for improving your website. 

4. Mobile Experience 

More than 60% of users use mobile to search for the local business they are looking for. This is the reason why many business websites have shifted to mobile-first indexing in the year 2020. As a result, designing an automotive SEO website that is mobile-friendly should always be your priority. To secure a successful automotive SEO strategy for mobile users you should follow the below given important principles:

  • For your car dealership website, you should use a responsive design and make responsive page elements. 
  • Your automotive SEO content should be short, valuable, and easily legible on small screens of mobile devices. 
  • Dont use pop-ups, which can cover the entire screen on the mobile device and hide the automotive SEO content.

5.Relevant Schema Markup

Schema markup is a data language that will help the web crawlers of google to understand your automotive SEO content easily. You can use schema markup to transform your SERP listing into rich results and display your services with ratings on Google’s search engine result page. Schema markup has many categories and if you want to read more about them then you can check our dedicated blog on what schema markup is. Moreover, for automotive SEO, the schema markup has three categories, as mentioned below. 

  • Auto: This is for popular vehicles such as luxury cars and motorcycles.
  • Local business: Used for providing information about the business such as opening hours, reviews, ratings, mobile number, and address. 

Product: This provides information about the price, details, and other important information about the product under the SERP listing.

Best SEO Keywords for Car Dealership

Keyword Search Volume Keyword Difficulty
Automotive SEO  720 30
car dealer SEO 480 30
car dealership SEO 320 34
SEO for car dealers 320 24
SEO for car dealerships 260 21
dealer SEO 260 23
automotive SEO services 260 21
SEO automobile 210 25
SEO for the automotive industry 210 18
automotive search engine optimization 210 25
auto dealer SEO 170 43
dealership SEO 140 24
SEO for automotive 110 22
search engine optimization for car dealers 110 22
SEO for dealerships 110 32
auto dealership SEO 110 29
dealer SEO best practices 90 24
car dealer search engine optimization 90 32
seo car 70 21
seo auto 70 46
seo car dealers 50 33
SEO for auto dealers 50 31
SEO for a car dealership 50 20
SEO automotive industry 50 27
auto SEO service 50 21
automotive dealer SEO 40 40
car dealer search engine marketing 40 0
car dealership search engine optimization 30 26
car dealerships SEO 30 32
keywords for car dealerships 30 14
SEO for auto 30 24
automotive local SEO 30 16
auto dealer search engine marketing 30 13
automotive seo tips 30 22
automotive SEO marketing 30 33
vehicle search engines 30 89

Automotive SEO Case Study: Spinny Increase Clicks by 519% Using Car Dealer SEO Strategies

Spinny came into existence in 2015 and is a car retailing website that brings transparency and convenience to buying and selling preowned vehicles. The main goal of Spinny is to make sure that its customers trust it, and that is why Spinny is open to transparency and checks each vehicle’s quality carefully. Moreover, every vehicle goes through a 200-point quality check. Furthermore, if you are unhappy with the purchase you can easily get your money back if you return within five days of purchase. Also, a one-year warranty is included with the second-hand vehicle you purchase from Spinny.


Spinny is a competitive business model and it wanted to beat its competition and attract the target audience. To successfully overcome their challenge they made an automotive SEO strategy to improve their website’s ranking which involved

  • Making the website more trustworthy and attractive using automotive SEO
  • Ranking higher in SERP by researching and implementing automotive SEO keywords.


  • Improved Non-branded clicks by 519%
  • Increased website organic traffic by 113%
  • Increased unique and returning visitors
  • Ranked 200 automotive SEO keywords for spinny on rank #1. 

SEO for Car Dealerships: More Than Just Climbing Rankings

But car dealership SEO isn’t just about getting to the top of the search engine results; it’s about finding a way to connect with your target audience and build trust when they’re ready to buy. Here’s how to do it:

SEO for Car Dealerships: More Than Just Climbing Rankings
SEO for Car Dealerships: More Than Just Climbing Rankings

Imagine creating informative blog posts about car repairs, detailing the pros and cons of various vehicles, or providing insider tips on finding shopping options. This helpful information can make you a consultant-client, not just a faceless salesperson.

Whether you’re a bustling downtown or a friendly neighborhood gem, local SEO for car dealerships ensures your presence when nearby buyers search for “used cars near me.” Find and optimize your Google My Business profile, and watch local visibility rise.

Stay away from the crowds:

The automotive industry competes fiercely both online and offline. But car dealership SEO for car dealers, SEO keeps you ahead of the noise. By strategically using industry-specific keywords for car dealers and high-end products, you showcase your expertise and unique products and set yourself apart.

Not all website traffic is created equal. For car dealership SEO attracts users actively searching for cars rather than casual web surfers. This target audience translates into higher conversion rates, which means more leads walk through your doors ready to buy.

Let’s put this into action:

  • Imagine you’re Sarah, a busy mom looking for a secure minivan for her circle of relatives. You type “circle of family-friendly SUVs with exact safety scores” into Google. Suddenly, your nearby dealership pops up at the top, with a blog published evaluating your favorite fashions and highlighting their protection functions. And you got the answer.
  • Now, you’re John, a tech-savvy millennial looking for an electric car with as sporty of a design as possible. You come across the dealership’s YouTube channel with entertaining commentary and test drives. Their knowledge and passion for sustainable cars inspired you.

Here are two ways search engine optimization can transform your automobile dealership. It’s an ongoing process based on data-driven insights and dedication to understanding customers’ wants.

The Power of Phone Calls

Recalling the excitement of testing to drive your dream car and hearing the motor come to life?These days excitement often begins online: Users also survey online showrooms and compare models with mouse clicks. Moreover, remember the proven method for closing a deal with the age-old telephone call.

Think of it this way: Having spent hours rigorously searching online, Sarah has written down her family car choices. Today, though, she wants to hear the engine purring and discuss safety precautions with her colleagues. Let’s finalize the deal over the phone. This is where your dealership’s phone lines are turned into weapons to fight the war of car dealership SEO.

The Power of Phone Calls
The Power of Phone Calls

Here’s why phone calls matter: 

Regarding asking questions, making reservations, and signing up for test drives, 61 % of car buyers still prefer contacting dealerships by phone. Underestimate the phone, and it’s just like passing over an entire pit lane full of potential consumers.

  • It’s personal: A chat creates trust and fellowship, giving your dealership an edge over faceless online competitors. Imagine your knowledgeable salesperson addressing Sarah’s questions in real-time so she confidently moves on to the next step.
  • Data goldmine: With conversation intelligence tools, analyze your phone calls. These assistants use artificial intelligence to point out missed opportunities, such as agents not offering customers other choices once they have sold out of a vehicle. With this data, you can train your team; every call is a sale, and shoppers are turned into customers.

Let’s put it into action: 

Think of John, a millennial well-versed in technology who has seen your informative YouTube reviews and called your dealership. He’s got questions about the electric car range and available charging options. Better still, your trained phone representative, who has internalized the conversation intelligence insights, answers his question and prompts him to schedule a test drive of a model he hadn’t even considered. John comes up with helpful information and is excited about a car he never knew existed.

Now imagine busy mom Sarah calling to book a test drive. While the offer of a car seat is on the table, your receptionist asks some questions about her kids, then recommends just the right seat and offers an appointment time suitable for her. It will make Sarah feel important and valued as a customer, making her take the step to visit your dealership.

How can AI assist in optimizing search engines for Car Dealer SEO?

Engine noise may still rule the automotive industry, but today, noisy algorithms force success. For car dealers, the ability to apply artificial intelligence (AI) for search engine optimization has become essential for attracting capable customers and leaving the competition in the dust.

Predictive keyword analysis

For sellers whose vehicles are used by potential buyers, target long-tail keywords, including “dependable, inexpensive SUVs below $30,000.” with much less distance,”  and make it their first forestall. AI-powered tools like Frase and MarketMuse examine considerable information to pick out tendencies and discover thrilling, low-opposition keywords for automobile sellers, ranking your content to seek outcomes.

Predictive keyword analysis

According to an observation by BrightEdge, AI-powered keyword research tools can increase organic traffic by up to 30%.


Making private statements

AI tools like Jasper and ShortlyAI can create search engine marketing-friendly content for unique audiences. A stable description of each brand, based on what the purchaser needs, and ensure your income suits each customer.

Making private statements

A report via the Content Marketing Institute determined that businesses that use AI for content material see a 27% growth in content material creation.

Content Marketing Institute

Technical SEO Optimization

Say goodbye to manual website audits. AI-powered tools like Botify and SEMrush examine your website, pinpoint technical issues like gradual loading times or broken links, and might enhance the search engine that consumers enjoy.

Technical SEO Optimization

Backlinko research indicates that websites with speedy loading instances have 25% higher conversion fees.


Backlink research

Digging up high-quality backlinks to boost your rankings can be exhausting. AI tools like Linkody and Ahrefs do the heavy lifting, analyzing Google Analytics data and identifying valuable link opportunities to increase your retailer’s search engine authority.

Backlink research

A study by Ahrefs found that websites with more backlinks have a 51% higher chance of ranking on the first page of Google.


User experience (UX) optimization

AI tools like Hotjar and Crazy Egg analyze user behavior on your website, publishing heatmaps and scroll maps to understand how visitors interact with your content. Use these insights to optimize website design and layout, improve conversion rates, and drive sales.

User experience (UX) optimization

According to a Google study, websites that improve their UX by just 7% show a 10% increase in conversion rates.

Google study

How can SEOInventiv help your car sales business grow?

Do you know what you’re doing? More than two hundred cars are searched online every month! Do you consider the percentage of visitors?

Remember, car dealership SEO is a non-stop adventure, but with SEOInventiv, you are not alone. We’ll be your trusted guide, helping you navigate the ever-changing virtual platform and ensuring your vendor stays at the forefront of customer priorities. So, hit the pedal on your internet, and let’s focus on success together.

Say bye to: 

  • Lost leads are stuck in traffic jams. 
  • Invisible displays are hidden from potential buyers. 
  • Revving your engine without getting the right audience. 

SEOInventiv puts you in the pole position: 

  • Target the right customers: Attract suitable leads searching for your specific vehicle with laser-focused keyword research. 
  • First, make their showroom visible: climb search engine rankings and stand out. 
  • Turn visitors into customers: Turn website traffic into leads and sales with a seamless experience. 


For car dealers in today’s digital age, ignoring car dealership SEO is like closing your showroom doors as potential buyers zoom around the internet. By working with SEOInventiv, you’ll ditch the unnecessary dust trails and travel quickly to online visibility. Imagine qualified leaders flowing in, eager to try your latest model. Imagine your website at the top of search results, shining like a polished chrome trophy. 

With SEOInventiv’s data-driven strategies and expert guidance, you’ll leave the competition in the rearview mirror and watch your car sales business soar with top-notch automotive SEO services.

Contact SEOInventiv today and receive a free consultation to take your car dealer to the top of the leaderboard!

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abhishek aggarwal
abhishek aggarwal
Visit Linkedin I am a Google certified SEO manager with over seven years of experience in search engine optimization (SEO) and CRO enthusiast . I work at, a leading digital marketing agency that helps clients improve their online presence and performance. My core competencies include keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, technical SEO, content creation and distribution, analytics and reporting, and link-building. I have developed and implemented interactive marketing strategies for about 20+ clients that increased their search engine rankings, website traffic, user retention, and conversion rates. I have also collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure SEO best practices are integrated with web development, design, and content management systems. As an SEO manager, I am passionate about delivering results that align with the client's goals and expectations. I use data-driven insights and industry trends to monitor, adjust, and refine SEO campaigns as needed to produce the most optimal return on investment. I also leverage my content writing and copywriting skills to create engaging and SEO-friendly web pages, blog articles, social media posts, and landing pages that attract and retain users, and generate leads for the business. I am always eager to learn new skills and tools that can enhance my SEO and PPC expertise and keep me updated with the latest changes in the search engine algorithms.
With bi-monthly marketing content, don't miss out on business boosters!
abhishek aggarwal
abhishek aggarwal
Visit Linkedin I am a Google certified SEO manager with over seven years of experience in search engine optimization (SEO) and CRO enthusiast . I work at, a leading digital marketing agency that helps clients improve their online presence and performance. My core competencies include keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, technical SEO, content creation and distribution, analytics and reporting, and link-building. I have developed and implemented interactive marketing strategies for about 20+ clients that increased their search engine rankings, website traffic, user retention, and conversion rates. I have also collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure SEO best practices are integrated with web development, design, and content management systems. As an SEO manager, I am passionate about delivering results that align with the client's goals and expectations. I use data-driven insights and industry trends to monitor, adjust, and refine SEO campaigns as needed to produce the most optimal return on investment. I also leverage my content writing and copywriting skills to create engaging and SEO-friendly web pages, blog articles, social media posts, and landing pages that attract and retain users, and generate leads for the business. I am always eager to learn new skills and tools that can enhance my SEO and PPC expertise and keep me updated with the latest changes in the search engine algorithms.

50 Replies to “Car Dealer SEO: Why Do Car Dealers Need Automotive SEO?”

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