

ecommerce seo case study

How We Doubled Sales for a Niche Beauty Brand During the Pandemic

Campaign Challenges:

  • Intense competition from both new and established beauty brands.
  • Significant issues with site speed and mobile usability.
  • An ineffective content marketing strategy that failed to engage potential customers.

Campaign Results:

  • +257.34% Organic Traffic
  • +300.12% Organic Revenue

We achieved:

  • Increase in daily search traffic from 1,500 to 4,560
  • Jump in monthly transactions from 720 to 2,460
  • Surge in monthly revenue from $100,000 to $250,000 ($300,000 at peak)

This success not only prepared them for the holiday season but also established a strong brand presence online.

How did we achieve this at SEO Inventiv?

Stick around, and I’ll detail our foolproof strategy.

A Closer Look At The Case Study Site

The client operates in the competitive beauty sector, selling niche products that cater to a specific demographic. The challenge was amplified by the pandemic, particularly with the shift in consumer spending habits.

We used the downturn as an opportunity, focusing on strengthening the site’s SEO and user experience while many competitors were cutting back on their digital marketing spend.

Here’s what we did:

  • Conducted a deep dive into the competitive landscape.
  • Executed a comprehensive technical SEO audit.
  • Addressed all identified issues, including site speed and mobile usability.
  • Revamped the content marketing approach to better engage the target audience.

Challenges We Overcame

Competing in the beauty industry means going up against giants with massive marketing budgets. Our client’s site faced several hurdles:

  • A low-quality link profile and negligible domain authority.
  • Poor user experience leading to high bounce rates.
  • Ineffective content marketing failing to drive engagement.
  • Suboptimal keyword strategy and on-page SEO.

We turned these challenges into opportunities for growth.

Creating A Winning Strategy

Our strategy was multifaceted, focusing on immediate wins and long-term growth:

#1 – Enhancing the Backlink Profile:

We refined the site’s backlink strategy, focusing on high-quality, relevant links. This included cleaning up harmful links and strategically acquiring new ones to boost domain authority.

#2 – On-Page SEO Overhaul:

On Page SEO

Our team optimized existing content and ensured new content was strategically aligned with our keyword research. This included optimizing product and category pages to match search intent.

#3 – Revamping the Content Strategy:

We introduced an engaging, informative content marketing strategy. This involved creating high-value blog posts, guides, and tutorials that resonated with the target audience, driving both traffic and engagement.

#4 – Technical SEO and Site Usability:

Technical improvements were made across the site to enhance load times and mobile responsiveness. We also implemented schema markup to improve search visibility.

#5 – Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

We conducted A/B testing on key pages to improve user experience and increase conversion rates. This included streamlining the checkout process and optimizing product pages.

The Results

The campaign’s success surpassed our expectations:

  • A substantial increase in organic traffic and revenue.
  • A significant improvement in site performance and user engagement.
  • Enhanced brand visibility and authority in the niche beauty sector.

Wrapping Up

This case study showcases the power of a well-executed SEO strategy in navigating through challenging times. By focusing on building a solid foundation and enhancing the user experience, we not only doubled our client’s sales but also positioned them for sustained growth beyond the pandemic.

If your ecommerce brand is looking to break through the noise and achieve remarkable growth, SEO Inventiv is here to make it happen. Click Here to Transform Your Brand’s Online Presence!

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