
Eco Garment Bags – Fully Managed SEO Services

Eco Garment Bags Case Study


Eco Garment bags for the fashion industry, as the name implies are quite popular when it comes to creating eco-friendly, high-quality bags. Their technology is based on using the attributes of single-use plastic and ensuring that no animals are harmed by any means during the process.

Their offline sales have been massive! People love using eco-friendly products, and when it’s the quality that Eco Garment Bags for the fashion industry come alongside, there isn’t any question of doubt. It can be safely assumed that Eco Garment Bags has been one of the most successful bag manufacturing companies for a while now.

The Challenge in the Business

No matter what, every business has some challenges. Eco Garment Bags for the fashion industry is no different. What is their challenge? Well, over the years, they haven’t been able to gain online visibility as much as they should.

Their offline business generates decent sales, but online business hasn’t been that good for them. In this online world, this is quite a setback for a business.

They were looking for a solution, and they found one, that is SEO! They understood that if they desire to thrive their business online, SEO needs to be nailed. This is the reason that Eco Garment Bags started to look for a professional SEO service provider.

Collaboration With Us

Eco Garment Bags for the fashion industry then trusted our services and collaborated with us to improve their online visibility and generate results. It was on us to get their website ranked with SEO and improve their revenue through SEO sales.

Our SEO professionals firstly analyzed their business model and ensured that every base is covered during the formation of the SEO strategy. Our SEO strategy included on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO too.

We took our time, created a strong SEO strategy, explained the same to the brand, and started working on the same.

Yes, it took its time, but the efficiency of our team ensured that every part of the strategy was executed with the utmost perfection. We also ensured that our client knew every step we are taking in regards to getting their website ranked. Our plan was based on getting organic results in an organic way.

Action Plan

We started implementing our strategy by analyzing the business domain perfectly. Then, we prepared a concrete SEO strategy. Our content experts got busy creating amazing content for Eco Garments bags for the fashion industry.

Also, we spent a lot of time researching the reputed sources from which we can earn backlinks for the brand. It was all about planning perfectly and executing the same planning with perfection. We gave maximum time to link building as that’s quite essential when it comes to gaining more visibility.

The Results

So, what were the results? Honestly, SEO is a long-term game, and it took a while for their website to get ranked. But, the online sales and revenue of the brand increased considerably, which was a clear win for us.

Eco Garment Bags SEO Services
Eco Garment Bags SEO Services


The brand’s collaboration with us resulted in 11 crucial keywords getting ranked. We were able to see the results in 4 different countries, with the USA our primary target country. Our hard work was clearly reflected in these amazing results.

The online visibility of the brand was improved to a good extent. Also, that trust factor was established which indirectly improved the offline sales of the brand too. The client was satisfied, that’s what mattered to us the most. After all, we had worked so hard to achieve these results. This was the instance, where it was proved that our SEO team is efficient enough to help any business improve their online market.

So, are you looking to boost your SEO too? Do you desire to increase sales and revenue through online sales? If yes, you aren’t required to look any further than us. Connect with our top-rated SEO team, and boost your online visibility now.

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